What’s the best time of day for baby photos?
Well, it depends.
Babies and children can be one of the most challenging subjects for a photographer so it’s always good to make plans that will help to create the portraits you desire. To begin, it’s always helpful to admit that the person in charge of the session is neither the parents nor the photographer but rather the child. Knowing this, the best time of day for baby photos is when your child is truly at their best. Not at the time it’s most convenient for the parents. And the best time of time for baby photos varies with the age of your child.
Newborns to 3 months
We prefer to photograph newborns during nap time and always encourage parents to come to the studio, and then feed and put their child to sleep. Sleeping newborn portraits are timeless and demonstrate the innocence of new life.
3 months to 1 year
As a general rule, the best time for this age usually earlier in the morning to mid morning, with right after nap time as a close second. As any mother knows a baby almost always brightens up the morning and creating portraits during this morning time catches your baby at their best.
It’s completely normal to desire the absolute best portraits, therefore it’s also typical to be anxious the day of your child’s session. Relax because believe it or not, your anxiety may be the very thing that has your child on edge. Don’t forget that to a baby, mom or dad is essentially their whole world and they will always key off of what you’re experiencing that day. Calm yourself and and be assured that we want the very best portraits for you as well.
Be flexible. We are.
Occasionally, even though you’ve done everything right, it’s just not the right time or day. We understand. Your child may not yet be able to speak but is completely capable of determining whether or not we’ll be photographing them on that day. And it’s ok, that’s why they invented rescheduling.
By understanding who’s in charge, when they’re the happiest, and releasing your anxiety, you’ll find that the best time of day for baby photos is also the best memories you’ll create with us!